7.5/10 The best is yet to come 本片如同标题距离best还是很远的距离但仍不失是一部有意义且有一定观看性的电影 优点主要在演员的表演和部分镜头的运用不多赘述 主要谈谈不足本片剧情前后割裂较为明显前半段聚焦新闻理想后半段突转到了反歧视的主题想讲的东西太多太杂中国好声音陈冰导致全片情感和人设上不太连贯沉浸度大打折扣两处超现实主义的特效处理也有些多余略显出戏 总的来说更喜欢前半段的追求新闻理想的部分 出于对记者行业的喜爱本片值得一看
Reminiscent of 19th century social novels. Akahige tells the story of an upper-class doctor who goes through the life-changing experience of working in an overcrowded, low-budget clinic. He reluctantly comes in, self-centered and stubborn, but ends up abandoning his privileges to dedicate his life to curing the poor. It’s a movie with a strong progressive statement: the people’s health is first and foremost a social and political problem. Unfortunately, the message is hammered down with way more insistence and explicitness than needed, occasionally telling more than showing. On all other accounts, it splendidly delivers, from the subplots structure to the stellar photography & acting.